Credit Recovery and Summer School dates and link to information:
Session #1 Nov. 4th- Jan. 15th 2025 (Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30-5:00)
Session #2 March 31 - May 21 (Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30-5:00)
Session #3 (Summer School) June 12 - 30 (Mon - Thurs 8am - 12pm)
Students who have not passed a Core class required for graduation have the opportunity to earn 1 credit during each Credit Recovery Session, based on the work they complete. Students have the opportunity to earn up to 2 credits during summer school based on the work they complete. If a student does not complete a full course, they will be issued a partial credit and can complete this credit through the Credit Recovery Program.
Students are required to attend each class in the session. A phone call will be made home after the 1st absence. Once you have 3 absences (counting both excused and unexcused), the student will be dropped from Credit Recovery and will no longer have access to coursework in Plato for the current session.
PLATO is the online program used for Credit Recovery and Summer School. In order to have the Mastery Tests unlocked, you will need to engage with the tutorial for a minimum of 15 minutes. The expectation is that you work on your class during your scheduled time. Teachers will be reviewing your Plato progress daily. When they see that you have completed a tutorial, they will unlock the test.